Shipping takes place from our warehouse in Granada, Spain.
Usually delivery takes place within 2-5 business days after receipt of payment.
As soon as we deliver your package to Correos, you will receive a shipping confirmation, as well as the invoice by email.
Shipping costs for Spain and Portugal go from 3,99€ to 9,99€ depending on the package weight.
Shipping costs are calculated according to the weight of the package (€ 5 - € 15). Shipping costs are indicated at the end of the order process.
Other countries
Please, ask in advance for shipping costs through ANDALUCIADELICATESSENGRANADA@GMAIL.COM
If you cannot receive your package or the post office pick-up time is missed, your package will usually be returned to us within approximately 2 weeks. Once this has happened we will inform you about the receipt and ask you about the procedure to follow.